Workshops & Seminars
A fully qualified Holistic Therapist with further qualifications in Lifestyle Guidance, Stress Management, Mental Health & Wellbeing, Acting & Performance, Radio Broadcasting. Pathological Processes & Anatomy & Physiology. She has worked within high pressured corporate environments and within the filmmaking/performance industry.
Additionally she has first hand experience of chronic illness and the effects of lifestyle, stress, anxiety and keeping up with society's imagined expectations.
This experience turned her to a holistic way of life and committed her to helping change lives within our communities and the collective.
Workshops can be moulded to suit the environment and client group. Some examples of the subject matters are...
What 'Holistic' actually means
Our 'Quick Fix' Society
Society's Increasing Health Problems & How We Can Implement Change
Habitual Modes of Thinking & Living
The definition of 'healthy' and how it can be skewed
Media & Technology Influence
Inflammatory Foods
Gut & Brain connection
The Root of Disease
The Effects of Stress On The Body
Adrenal Response
How Illness Can Manifest
Rebalancing/Resetting The Body
Hydration, Sleep Hygiene, Brain Fog busters
Imagined Expectations, Imprints, Identity Clutching
'Achiever' Mode
Kindness, Compassion, Cause & Effect
Working With Energy Frequencies
Inflammatory Factors
Past Wounds & Mending Your Future
Using Meditation, Affirmations, Shielding, Prompting & Manifesting
Helpful & Not So Helpful Stress Management Techniques
The more silent crisis's within our culture